Awareness of First Aid for Mental Health (Distance Learning)

Level 1 - National Qualification Framework

Level 4 – Scottish Qualification Framework

Distance Learning & Online Training

You’ll be required to attend certain session as Guided Learning Hours with your trainer online. There will also be a requirement for you to carry out some self study on your own.

Anyone can be affected by a mental health condition either themselves or a family member, friend or colleague.

Each year approximately 1 in 4 people in the UK will experience a mental health condition and at least 1 in 6 employees experience common mental health problems in the workplace. Research has shown that work is the biggest cause of stress which can stop people performing at their best.

This qualification provides learners with the knowledge to recognise a range of mental health conditions, how to start a supportive conversation and when and how to signpost a person to seek appropriate professional help. Learners will know how to recognise and manage stress.

Learners will not diagnose or treat mental health conditions as this can only be carried out by healthcare professionals but will gain the knowledge to identify when a person may have a condition and know where they can go to get help.

The qualification has 2 assigned guided learning hours (GLH) and 5 hours total qualification time (TQT). GLH indicates the number of contact hours that the learner will have with the trainer/assessor. TQT includes GLH but considers unsupervised learning and is an estimate of how long the average learner will take to achieve the qualification.

It is beneficial for learners to undertake additional independent learning for example, by doing research on the internet.

Upon successful completion of the qualification assessment, Learners will be awarded the Ofqual regulated Level 1 Award in Awareness of First Aid for Mental Health. 

The qualification is valid for three years from the date of achievement. It is strongly recommended that the learner attends annual refresher training.

The learner will need to complete the full course again to requalify for a further three years.


Course Content


What is First Aid for Mental Health?


Identifying mental health conditions


Providing advice and starting a conversation